marți, 21 iunie 2011

What if we can make it work?! - Eseu Shakespeare School 2011

Voiam să-mi postez de mult timp eseul cu care am participat la concursul acela organizat de Shakespeare School, dar am aşteptat deoarece mi-era un pic cam lene să dau copy-paste documentului din Word, şi mi-ar fi fost mai uşor să postez decât un link spre blogul Shakespeare School, unde au promis ei că vor scrie eseurile celor 40 de candidaţi care s-au evidenţiat din cei 5100 de participanţi. Au trecut totuşi vreo 2 săptămâni, şi bloggerii lor se mişcă un pic cam încet, iar eu nu stau excelent la capitolul răbdare, aşa că m-am decis să-mi calc pe inimă şi să dau un copy-paste rapid.
So, here it is:

What if we can make it work?

It was a sunny day of June, and I was sitting on my porch. The only sound I heard was the one of the singing birds and the rustle of the sea, which was very close to me. Nothing could have ruined my day. I started to daydream about a perfect world, with beautiful weather, opportunities, great people, fantastic friends. No more earthquakes, floods, violence, and other disasters.

In the perfect world, there wouldn’t be helpless people anymore. All of us would be equally strong, healthy, respected, and loved. It’s like the cat, which sees itself as a powerful, beautiful lion, being able to do whatever it wants, without being judged by appearances. If all of us would be equal, we wouldn’t have to worry about our look, our powers, or our influence on the others. We would all stick together, creating a better world to live in, with peace and love.

Furthermore, I would create my own life, without depending on faith. I’d sculpture my own ball of the future, and I would count on love, friendship, joy, and health.

The more I was thinking about my perfect world, the closer I got to it. Soon, I’ve become a part of it, and I could see all the things around me differently. I noticed a lot of open windows, that let me see the sky, which was extraordinary blue, with white clouds. That was my way, with all the opportunities knocking at my door, and the clouds were my support: my friends, my family, and my teachers, who would help me raise up. I could always rely on them, no matter what. I know they would always be there for me.

I continued to dream on about my perfect world. When I woke up, I realised how much I’d like to bring all those things in my real life. We cannot have a perfect life, though. We will always meet dissapointment and failures, but we just have to deal with them the way that brings us to happiness, because this is all that matters.

End of story. Să mai zică cineva că nu-s fantezistă atunci când vreau! :))

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