sâmbătă, 14 august 2010

Plec departe, plec pe Marte....xD

Maine incepe o noua zi, o noua aventura.. Plec in tabara la muntee :D..

Deci, pana cand ma intorc ... Tchuuss !

miercuri, 11 august 2010


Am cautat zilele astea pe net melodii pe care nu le-am mai ascultat, si asa am gasit melodia asta a Leonei Lewis :) :

E o melodie extraordinara, atat ca ritm, cat si ca versuri. Vorbeste despre visuri nedevenite realitate, care ne iau totul din fata, dar care nu pot lua ziua de ieri. :)

They can take tomorrow and the plans we made,
They can take the music that we never play,
All the broken dreams take everything..
Just take it away..
But they can never have yesterday!
They can take the future that we'll never know,
They can take the places that we said we will go, All the broken dreams take everything
Just take it away,But they can never have yesterday!